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Startup insights – Preloved Coffee

Preloved Coffee: Valorizing Spent Coffee Grounds into Sustainable Bio-solutions

In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is on the rise, innovative startups are emerging with solutions to tackle waste and promote sustainability. One such endeavor is Preloved Coffee, a company born from a shared vision to protect the environment and promote a circular economy for the coffee industry.

The journey of the startup began modestly, with a fortuitous encounter at the Boost Startup Marathon 2022, then represented Finland at the ClimateLaunchpad Finland National Finals, European Regional Finals, and Global Finals. They also recently received 1st place at the Urban Tech Helsinki Demo Day pitching competition. These five individuals, hailing from diverse backgrounds and countries, found common ground in their passion for environmental protection. This diverse team, equipped with expertise spanning management, marketing, science, and sustainability, embarked on a mission to revolutionize waste management. Their inspiration stemmed from the realization that spent coffee grounds, ubiquitous bio-products, could be repurposed into valuable and sustainable materials. Thus, the startup was established, driven by the shared goal of leveraging innovation for positive change.

The team encountered its fair share of challenges during the product development journey. Initially, the team experimented with basic products like coffee candles and logs in a humble student kitchen. However, advanced laboratory facilities and substantial funding were imperative to diversify into more intricate biomaterials such as coffee oil, 3D printing granules, cellulose-based packaging, and bio-exfoliants. To surmount these challenges, the team actively sought participation in incubator programs and pitched their business concept to angel investors. Their efforts bore fruit as they secured support from like-minded investors, enabling them to accelerate product development and expand their offerings to various industries.

At the core of Preloved Coffee lies a unique company culture that fosters individual talents while promoting strong teamwork. Each founder assumes leadership in their respective domains, ensuring clear roles and responsibilities. This structure facilitates efficient decision-making and minimizes conflicts, contributing to the overall success of the venture. Despite the early-stage hurdles, Preloved Coffee navigated through them with strategic perseverance. Securing capital and access to advanced technology were paramount challenges, which the team addressed by actively engaging in incubator programs and expanding their network. As of now, they have secured grants of €17 000 without any share loss.

As Preloved Coffee continues to evolve, its commitment to sustainability remains unwavering. By upcycling spent coffee grounds into valuable resources, this startup exemplifies the power of innovation in creating a positive environmental impact. With a dedicated team and a clear vision, Preloved Coffee is poised to redefine the life cycle assessment of the coffee industry and invites investors to their journey to pave the way for a greener future.

Learn more:

Preloved Coffee’s LinkedIn

Preloved Coffee’s website