urban wellbeing
plant a seed for
future wellbeing
How do you live a good life in a city? Urban growth will require cities to put special emphasis on quality of life. A healthy city provides high-quality housing and services, green spaces and sustainable solutions in transport. What’s your big idea for improving quality of life?
grow your lunch at the office
Evergreenwalls creates eco-friendly plant cultivation equipment for homes and office spaces. The user can choose from all kinds of herbs and salads, and the equipment will optimize the growing conditions for them. The products promote abundant yields and bring greenery into everyday surroundings.

design irresistibly simple public spaces
Parkly transforms public settings with a modular, scalable furniture solution combining urban greenery with circular design. Their user-friendly products and services form endless functional combinations – where space becomes a place.
develop innovations for
public health
Resistomap provides a data-driven laboratory for detecting antibiotic resistance. It can monitor antibiotic resistance genes from any sample, from agriculture, hospitals, water environments, wildlife, or wastewater treatment plants. This technology provides an early detection for outbreaks of resistant bacteria, thereby protecting public health.

From residents to city planners and back to residents
Superhood is a neighborhood app that unites people, businesses, and cities. Superhood helps people to keep up with local news and influence their neighborhoods while helping local businesses, authorities, and organizations to engage with local people. For cities, Superhood also provides tools to measure the well-being of neighborhoods, and crowdsourced data to help with city planning.

this could
be you
Urban Tech Helsinki offers a
possibility up to 36 months of
incubation, depending on your needs
and your progress in the program.
Next open call for startups in November 2024.