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Urban Tech Helsinki First Half of 2024

The summer is here and we are ending the first half of 2024. Here are some highlights of each month:

January: we were excited to welcome our 5th batch of startups.

February: our startups prepared for their first-ever Impact Booster pitch.

March: Aalto Startup Center Demo Day was the place to be.

April: Urban Tech Helsinki Challenge was up and running.

May: 6th call opened with a new thematic area of Urban Greening.

June: Arctic15 brought the chill to Helsinki.

Our startups have also been active and in the spotlight. Here are some startup news:

Before heading for the summer holidays, here is a message from our project manager Kaisa Ahonen:

“I have had the privilege to lead Urban Tech Helsinki for the past three years, and now it’s time to move forward. I want to thank all our startups, partners, and friends for the great collaboration and for all the fun we had together. I have learned so much about sustainable cities, innovative technologies, and supportive startup ecosystem in Helsinki and beyond. I will continue working for Aalto Startup Center so I am sure we will have a chance to catch up also in the future!”

Team Ari Seppänen and Labiba Abdul will continue supporting our startups until a new project manager is starting in the position. The 6th batch will start their journey in August so stay tuned for the announcement and be ready to get amazed by new startup stars!